


Engage the dynamic environment of 21st-century healthcare from a solid Christian perspective. With Cedarville's prepharmacy program, you'll satisfy the requirements needed to enter our 药学博士(PharmD) 在短短两三年的时间里. 在完成第一年的药学研究生课程之后, you will earn your Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) degree, equipped with a foundation for advanced study in pharmacy and prepared for a variety of careers in the field.

Choose the 加速两年药房预备课程 在短短六年内完成整个药学教育. High school seniors planning to major in pharmacy may qualify for Cedarville's 早期保证计划, guaranteeing a spot in the PharmD program and freeing you to fully enjoy your undergraduate experience.

The final two years of your BSPS curriculum are integrated with the graduate pharmacy program, 让你获得药学学士学位, a Bible minor, 并在六到七年内获得药学博士学位.

通过信仰知情的道德和追求卓越的承诺, 你就会成为一名药剂师,带着基督般的怜悯服事人, 满足生理需求, emotional, 以及你病人的精神需求. Join us at Cedarville and prepare to make a real difference in this dynamic industry.

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Biblical -每门课程都融入圣经, you will discover how science and the Bible intersect and will be equipped to serve patients with Christian compassion.

未来的思考 -药学院 药学创新中心 seeks creative, biblical solutions today to meet the healthcare challenges of tomorrow.

创新课程 -挑战学术, featuring contemporary pharmacy topics and built on a liberal arts core, 会为你准备高级吗, 专业药学学习. 你每学期都要上药学课 as part of the prepharmacy curriculum; many schools wait until the graduate portion of the curriculum to cover this same content.

指导教师 — You will study with and be advised by professors who have high academic credentials as well as extensive clinical and research experience. 他们是药学专业的领导者,被 their peers, consulted by the media, and sought after as trainers and presenters. 最重要的是, they love the Lord and will encourage and guide you every step of your educational journey.

最先进的设施 -你会在广阔的空间里学习和发现, 获奖的健康科学中心, which features the latest in instructional technology and pharmacy laboratory and simulation equipment. The Center also includes multiple group meeting rooms for collaborative research and study.

沙巴体育的药学院有多长时间? 在6或7年内获得药学博士学位.


Choose the two-year prepharmacy option and you can complete your PharmD in six years instead of seven, 最多节省20美元,在你的总成本上.


Cedarville University's 药学创新中心 seeks to advance the profession of pharmacy by developing novel approaches to patient care and expanding pharmacists' roles as part of a collaborative healthcare team.


You will graduate equipped with a strong foundation to begin your professional Doctor of Pharmacy program. Most students in the BSPS program move directly and seamlessly into the final years of Cedarville’s Doctor of Pharmacy program. A few 继续攻读其他研究生课程. More than 90% of students completing the BSPS degree at Cedarville University will be successful in completing their Doctor of Pharmacy, 医学博士, 或者其他研究生项目.

Students completing the BSPS degree alone may be considered for the following types of positions:

  • Lab Technician
  • 医药行业销售代表
  • 管理式医疗中的药剂师助理
  • 药学技术人员
  • 研究员或研究助理

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, experience, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 100% of recent graduates from the 药学院 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


You will have opportunities for cocurricular experiences to enhance your coursework.

实践的经历 -你可以做药房技术员或研究助理.

Outreach -你可以参加短期医疗任务旅行.

学生组织 — Join a student chapter of a professional organization to explore the pharmaceutical industry and network with professionals. Experiences include field trips to area pharmacies, special presentations 执业药剂师, 与同学或教授进行药学研究项目, 区域内的服务项目, 还有医疗任务旅行.


以你的通识教育和圣经辅修基础为基础, you will take core science courses and a series of classes that introduce you to the pharmacy profession. You will also take courses that will build qualitative research skills, equipping you for the research expected in your professional pharmacy curriculum.


  • 药学专业-历史和问题
  • 药学专业-公共卫生导论


Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. Discover how you can complete your PharmD in just six years with the 双录取 药剂学途径.



Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • Undergraduate
  • Residential
Woman holding child talking to a pharmacist wearing a white lab coat.




杰弗里·A摄. Bates

Jeffrey A. 贝茨,药学博士,BS Pharm, FMPA



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